Many proud Bourbon Stewards use the Stave & Thief logo in an online/email capacity, as representation of their Bourbon Stewardship. You can, too! Three versions of our full logo (EPS, JPG and PNG formats) are available here, that you may use for promotional purposes. Ӣ This official Stave & Thief Society logo is always black and white. It should not be re-shaped or re-colored, but can be re-sized as necessary for your application. Ӣ Your official title is either Executive Bourbon Steward (attended class) or Certified Bourbon Steward (self-study & online test) Ӣ Your use of this logo constitutes membership in Stave & Thief Society only, but does not imply that you may speak on behalf of the Society or its staff members. Ӣ Your use of this logo confirms your commitment to share accurate, understandable bourbon knowledge with others. Please let us know if you have additional questions. The Team at Stave & Thief Society is happy to help!
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